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Renumita casă de design 🇮🇹 italiană Pininfarina creează un moped electric pentru cea mai veche marcă de motociclete din 🇳🇱 Țările de Jos: Eysing PF40

🇳🇱 de

World-famous Italian design house Pininfarina designed a state of the art electric moped for, 1886' Dutch brand Eysing from 🇳🇱 Netherlands, the oldest motorcycle manufacturer in the Netherlands. The design was inspired by the pre-war motorcycle design heritage of Eysing.

Pininfarina Logo“We are proud to welcome Eysing as a member of the Pininfarina family”, said Kevin Rice, CCO of Pininfarina. In his view, the passion and vision of the Dutch manufacturer was decisive for the collaboration. “With the Pioneer, they have made history. We will continue that path with our design by connecting the past and the future, appealing to the imagination in the same way as Eysing did with its first design.”

Eysing PF40

  • Easy to swap battery with a driving range of 100 km.
  • Smart-moped that connects to a mobile app.



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⛽ Citește Despre Escrocheria Hidrogenului Risc pentru Sănătate: Doar Apa ca Produs Secundar este o Minciună