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Mohenic Motors din Coreea de Sud lansează o motoretă electrică și un scuter de marfă

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EV manufacturer Mohenic Motors from South Korea launched a state of the art electric cargo scooter with a modular center storage capacity and an electric moped for urban mobility.

The vehicles are manufactured in Coreea using domestic technologies and are truly Made in 🇰🇷 Coreea.

Mohenic Motors Packman

The Packman is a cargo truck on two wheels that provides a modular cargo capacity in the center of the scooter that can be equipped with a wide range of modules, including a refrigerator module.

The scooter design is inspired by the Kubo scooter from US brand Lit Motors, a brand that became famous for its self balancing scooter-car C1.

  • 10.000 wați electric motor for a top speed of 120 km/h.
  • De la 0 la 50 km/h în 3 secunde acceleration.
  • On-board charger with an integrated cooler and heater.
  • Modular design and fully customizable by the factory.

More info and 🖼️ pictures

Mohenic Motors UB46E M

  • 8.000 wați electric motor for a top speed of 100 km/h.
  • On-board charger that supports fast charging in 30 minute and slow charging using a car plug.
  • Many accessories for styling and personalization.

More info and 🖼️ pictures

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⛽ Citește Despre Escrocheria Hidrogenului Risc pentru Sănătate: Doar Apa ca Produs Secundar este o Minciună