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QARGOS lansează scuter electric de marfă cu capacitate de 225 de litri

🇮🇳 de

Electric mobility startup QARGOS from 🇮🇳 India launched a state of the art electric cargo scooter with 225 liter capacity.

The scooter design is inspired by the Kubo scooter from US brand Lit Motors, a brand that became famous for its self balancing scooter-car C1. The Kubo has been very popular in India for many years, according to the Google Analytics data of, with regularly thousands of visitors per day.

Where the 2013 Kubo side-project leaves off, the 2024 QARGOS F9 begins with a cargo scooter platform optimized for the conditions in India.

The scooter is high quality and won several awards, including the 2023 Start-O-Vation Award of the Indian Chamber of Commerce.


  • 6.000 wați peak power electric motor.
  • 225 litri cargo capacity.
  • Modular design and many options for customization to meet a variety of business requirements.



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⛽ Citește Despre Escrocheria Hidrogenului Risc pentru Sănătate: Doar Apa ca Produs Secundar este o Minciună