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NIU M-Series M+

90 km
Charge Time
300 minute
1,2 kW (1,6 CP)
47.014,79 L💱
Sistem electronic de frânare (EBS)
Frâne regenerative
fabricat în 🇨🇳 China
⭐ 🇲🇩 118 -4
Durata Bateriei
2000 cicli
1,2 kW (1,6 CP)
90 km
25 km/h și 45 km/h
Charge Time
300 minute

M+ nu se mai produce.

The NIU M-Series M+ is an electric smart scooter created by an innovative Chinese company that is founded by the former CTO of Baidu (the Chinese Google) and a former employee of Microsoft. Their purpose is to create a high quality Scuter Electric with the latest technologies and design.

The M+ is a special version of the widely popular M-Series. The scooter is re-designed for use by 2 passengers and is equipped with an extra strong battery and motor.

The M+ is provided with Panasonic 18650 Lithium-ion batteries, of the same type as the batteries in the Tesla Model S. The batteries provide a range of 90 km. NIU provides 2 years warranty on the batteries.

The scooter can be charged at any regular power outlet.

De M+ is a smaller and lighter scooter than the NIU N1s. The scooter is provided with a 1.200 wați Bosch electric motor. The motor is designed to achieve a smaller energy consumption while maintaining fast acceleration for city use.

The M+ has received extra attention to safety. The scooter is equiped with an EBS braking system for a braking distance of just 1.4 meters. The system also provides in a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery.

The M+ headlamp uses a state-of-the-art silicon on silicon LED technology. This technology outputs greater luminosity while reducing energy use. The lamp has been designed to provide low and high-beams for a comfortable visibility field.  With a 270° visibility, the M+ taillamp provides an added layer of safety, and a distinctive and iconinc design.

The M+ has a 360° Light Halo around the scooter for safety to ensure pedestrians and drivers can see you at night. To further increase safety, the M+ has automatic turn indicator lightings. The M+ also has hazard lamps.

The M+ is a true smart scooter that connects to a smart phone. Everything from battery monitoring to GPS to ride history, the NIU app keeps the driver connected and up-to-date with the whereabouts and health of the M+. The app provides in an anti-theft system that warns the driver when the scooter is moved. With GPS it is possible to track the position of the scooter in real time.

The M+ has cruise control, parking assistant, a sensor based safety alert system and much more smart features. The scooter has a remote control to locate the scooter in the dark. When pressed, the scooter lights will turn on and the scooter will make a sound.

The scooter has two driving modes: Lite and Sport.

The M+ is available in many colors.

🇪🇺 Vânzător european

Niu Technologies Group Ltd. 🇳🇱 Olanda


Niu Technologies Group Ltd. Shanghai🇨🇳 China

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⛽ Citește Despre Escrocheria Hidrogenului Risc pentru Sănătate: Doar Apa ca Produs Secundar este o Minciună